Meg Therese

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Reading Comprehension Lesson

So in mid-July Ken Jennings (you know, that Jeopardy guy) posted a humorous fake letter to Jeopardy on his blog. But apparently, a lot of journalists failed to learn one of their three RSI, specifically Michael Starr of the New York Post. Then the AP picks up on the story. After Jennings pointed out on his blog that it was a humor piece, they changed the article title from "Jennings Bashes Jeopardy" to "'Jeopardy' champ Jennings jabs show." Sorry, but changing the title and the article a bit doesn't fix the fact that you need remedial reading lessons. Let's take a closer look.

Jennings "letter" starts out with this paragraph, which clearly sets the tone as a humor piece:

Dear Jeopardy!,

Hey, I hope you remember me. It’s been a while since we talked. We were a bit of an item a couple years back, in all the papers, but I think we both know that was just a summer thing. The last time we saw each other…well, the magic just wasn’t there. That’s why I don’t mind when I see you with a new special someone. Or two. Nearly every night! … I’m sorry, is this sounding passive-aggressive? I don’t mean to badger you. I remember that, when we were together, it seems like all I ever did was nag you with questions.The Michael Starr article picks up on Jennings's comments on the Jecategoriesatagorys:

That doesn't stop him, however, from bashing the show.
"I mean, wake me up
when you come up with something that middle America actually cares about," he
says of the show's question categories."

But what categories does the letter offer to address this issue?

The Arby’s 5-for-$5.95 Value Menu
Reality TV
Men’s Magazines
Skanks from Reality TV Who Got Naked in Men’s Magazines

"Skanks from Reality TV Who Got Naked in Men’s Magazines "? Can you seriously think anyone would seriously offecategorys a catagory?

Can anyone reading this also believe Jennings is serious when he suggests abandoning the Clue Crew in a forest? Or that Alex Trebek should sign off every episode with the phrase "Legalize cannabis"?

Now I'll grant that it's possible to view this piece as though thecriticizing jeopardizeg Jeopardy's flaws, and then throwing out farcical solutions as further humiliation--as though Jeopardy is so bad it doesn't even deserve serious treatment. But if that were the case, and Jennings was actually disgusted with the show, the suggestions would have more bite to them. But instead they're so over the top, that they border on the silly, not the bitter.

In conclusion, it's always important to make sure you've correctly interpreted something before you report on it. If you look at Jenningsf Jennings's blog, it's clear that he doesn't harbor any hidden anger at Jeopardy!, and that the tone of the letter is completely uncharacteristic with the rest of his writings.


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